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Kate Putnam, Energy Healer, Chakra Balancing & Intuitive Readings, Psychic Medium


Available Online

Make confident decisions and take inspired action with a Tarot Card Reading by Kate Putnam

  • 30 minutes
  • 44.44 US dollars
  • Customized

Service Description

Step into the enchanting realm of a Tarot Card Reading with me, Kate Putnam, where ancient wisdom intertwines with modern insight. As a firm believer in the holistic nature of mental health and well-being. Join me for a Tarot Card Reading like nothing you've ever experienced before. My readings delve deep into the multifaceted layers of your journey. In a world where quick fixes and labels often dominate our daily lives, I invite you to explore a different approach. Think of mental health like a puzzle made up of lots of different pieces. These pieces include things like how our bodies work (that's the medical stuff), how our hormones change (those are like the mood swings we sometimes feel), what we eat (like choosing healthy foods), the things we inherit from our family (our genes), and how we interact with others (our friendships and relationships). All of these pieces fit together to make up our mental, emotional, and physical health puzzle. Through the Tarot, I guide you on a journey of self-discovery, providing clarity, illumination, and empowerment along the way. Whether you're seeking answers to life's pressing questions, guidance through turbulent times, or simply a deeper understanding of yourself, my readings offer a sacred space for reflection and growth. Don't just take my word for it—countless others have found solace and direction through my Tarot readings. Join them in embracing the magic of the Tarot and unlocking the secrets of your soul.

Contact Details


New London, NH, USA

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