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Kate Putnam, Energy Healing

How Tarot Cards Can Really Help You

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What Are Tarot Cards?

Made up of seventy-eight cards, each deck of Tarot cards is all the same. 

Tarot cards come in all sizes with all types of artwork on both the front and back – some even make their Tarot cards.  The meaning and the message of each one of those seventy-eight cards, however, always remain the same.

Tarot cards were first used by the Celtic people more than two thousand years ago.  Many believe that Tarot cards serve only to tell the future, but this is not true. 

When used traditionally, Tarot cards speak of the past and present and are supposed to give clues and ideas about the future that you are potentially heading into.

kate putnam, tarot

What’s In the Cards?

Tarot cards are made up of four suits – much like any regular deck of cards.  Tarot cards have all the same values as traditional playing cards: ace through king for each suit. 

Only one extra card is added to the royal family in Tarot cards – the Knight, whose position is just under that of the knave (also known as the jack).

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The Suits are as follows:

  • Wands, which in general speak of esoteric issues such as spirituality or creativity,

  • Swords, which speak of conflicts and tensions,

  • Cups, which deal in relationship matters and love.

  • Pentacles. which are always about money.

The other twenty-two cards of the standard Tarot deck are called the Major Arcana cards and are all very specific.  Cards such as the Devil, the Tower, and Death are in the Major Arcana.

How Could a Tarot Card Reading Help Me?

When done traditionally, a Tarot Card Reading can put everything into perspective clearly and understandably. 

Every Tarot card reading is prefaced by a question, one that you do not have to reveal to your Tarot card reader but that you keep to yourself. 

Each card will come up in the past, present, or future position and will shed some light on the topic of your question.  

Whether or not you believe in spiritual or esoteric things, or even in the art of telling the future, a Tarot card reading can help you better understand your thoughts.  You’ll realize potentially dangerous patterns in your life, and get a better understanding of self. 

Even the question that you ask in your mind can help you understand something about yourself, and in this way, a Tarot card reading can truly help you.


Can Anyone Read Tarot Cards Or Do I Have To Call Someone or Go Online?

Anyone can learn how to read Tarot cards.  There are many books available, both in online and physical bookstores that will tell you the meaning and message of every card.  Every card in Tarot has a card-specific meaning, and a message or warning. 

The good news is, there’s no secret about what these cards mean to convey – so you, too, can learn how to read the Tarot.  

Once you know the meaning of the cards (and it’s not something you have to memorize; it’s perfectly okay to keep notes by you when you try to give yourself a Tarot card reading), you can read the Tarot for yourself or others. 

Any book you read about the Tarot will explain the spreads to use – the way to lay the cards out to understand their meaning and placement in the scheme of your question.

kate putnam, tarot

An Ancient Mystery

Tarot cards are more ancient than religion.  Tarot cards are older than most languages and most writing, and yet they are still around and are still being used today the same way they were used thousands of years ago.  If Tarot cards didn’t help people, why would they still be used and still be so popular?


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As Seen In....

As Seen in, Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing
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Rave Reviews

kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

"Working with Kate was a truly transformative experience. Her readings helped me navigate some of the most difficult and confusing times in my life and gave me the tools to move forward with confidence and clarity. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for deep, meaningful insights into themselves and their path."

"When I first went to Kate, I was feeling lost and directionless. I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life or how to get there. But after just one session with her, I felt like I had a new sense of purpose and motivation. Her insights gave me the courage to pursue my dreams, and I couldn't be more grateful."

“You’ve literally changed my life. I can’t thank you enough”

kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


17-page Free Tarot Guide 

Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire

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